
The Ugly Ducking

Once upon a time, five eggs began to hatch. Out pupped five little ducklings. Four were fluffy and cute. One was gray and ugly.
The cute ducks, geese, and herons pecked at the ugly duckling.
He came upon some swans. They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen.
He did not want them to see how ugly he was. He stayed by himself. He also grew and grew.
One day, a swan asked him "Why are you so shy?".
"Because I am ugly," he said.
The swan laught,"Have you looked in a mirror lately?"
He looked into the shiny water...

curious: wanting to find out more about something
geese: more than one goose
heron: a bird with a long beak and long legs that lives near water
pecked: picking at with a beak

Findley V. (2006). The Ugly Duckling. Scholastic Inc.

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